Japanese language school JLRC is the No.1 in number of students
Based on 2023 research data on top 10 Web listed Japanese language schools in the Philippines
(JLRC is also No.1 in the number of Japanese language instructors, totalling more than 30 qualified professionals)
JLRCはフィリピン・メトロマニラに拠点を置く、日本人経営の日本語教育機関・日本語オンラインスクールです。JLRCは2001年の設立以来、モットーである Less Time, Less Cost and Less Effort in Learning Japanese を実現すべく継続的な日本語研究と教育現場からのフィードバックを基に独自の教授メソッドと最適な教案、オリジナルの日本語教材を開発・出版し、フィリピン国内を中心に日本語教育関連事業を展開してまいりました。
JLRCは2020年より新たなビジョンとして Opportunities, wherever you are を掲げ、より多くの人々に高品質なサービス・日本語習得の機会を提供すべく事業の軸をオンラインに特化しております。現在、フィリピン人講師陣の強みである英語力とホスピタリティーをいかし、その事業エリアはフィリピン、日本を中心に世界30か国・地域以上に拡大しております。また、フィリピン国内におきましては、オンライン日本語学習生徒数、講師数ともにNo.1 の日本語教育機関・日本語スクールとなっております。
Company Information
JLRC is a Japanese Language educational institution and online school based in Metro Manila, Philippines under Japanese management. Since its establishment in 2001, JLRC has been developing and publishing its own original Japanese Language textbooks and learning materials that complement its unique teaching method and class syllabus based on continuous research and feedback from the classroom in order to realize its motto of “Less Time, Less Cost and Less Effort in Learning Japanese”. It has also expanded its business interests to other Japanese Language education-related projects in the Philippines and beyond.
In 2020, with its new vision of “Opportunities, wherever you are”, JLRC shifted its operations entirely online in order to offer high-quality service and provide opportunities for mastery of the Japanese Language to more people. Taking advantage of the hospitality and English proficiency of its roster of Filipino teachers, JLRC is now expanding its business activities to more than 30 other countries and areas, with focus on the Philippines and Japan. In addition, JLRC is now the number 1 Japanese Language education provider/ Nihongo school in the Philippines when it comes to the numbers of both online class students and instructors.
JLRC also provides online Japanese Language training services to companies and a variety of organizations in the Philippines, Japan and other areas.
Achievement of JLRC’s Japanese Language education services
*Total number of students includes individual enrollment and students from corporate classes
120 companies
13,500 students

Features of JLRC's Japanese Language Training

JLRC オンライン日本語クラス
JLRC Online Japanese Classes

Highly Qualified Instructor

Classroom Quality Control

High-Rate of JLPT Passers

Original High-Quality Materials

Well-Designed Syllabus
Here are some cases of client’s objectives utilizing our Japanese language training services
Japanese companies in the Philippines needed Japanese language training
Japanese Supervising Organizations or Qualified Sending Organizations for the Japan Technical Intern Training Program
Governmental organizations and agencies
> When it is necessary for the employees to learn the Japanese language to partake in various government projects and programs

JLRCは TESDA (Technical Education and Skills Development Authority)の公式認定を取得しています。
JLRC is a TESDA accredited Japanese language institution.
TESDA について: 認定を受けるには、カリキュラム・講師の指導技術・学校設立に関する法的書類・経営・財政・税金面・安全面などでの水準を満たしている必要があります。TESDA からの許認可は、フィリピンで学校を運用するた めに必須です。語学学校選びにおいて、信頼できる学校かを判断するための一つの指標になります。
Mobile・LINE:Everyday(Philippine Time / GMT+8, 8:30 ~ 17:00)

For inquiries, you may call us at (63)2-7358-0565 or (63)917-163-3371
Japanese Language Research Center
Unit 506 Cityland Shaw Tower, Shaw Blvd, Mandaluyong, 1552 Metro Manila, Philippines

For inquiries, you may call us at (63)2-7358-0565 or (63)917-163-3371
Japanese Language Research Center
Unit 506 Cityland Shaw Tower, Shaw Blvd, Mandaluyong, 1552 Metro Manila, Philippines
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